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Monday, April 23, 2007

Wotta Month

I know I should try to keep this thing more updated, but sometimes I just busy with other stuff. So, what's been happening? I finally got April's video log up and running, featuring the Slow Death series. Now I gotta figure out what to do for May.

Then I got a notification from "Bob" about an eBay auction concerning the "R. Crumb's Little Big Ass Statue Bonanza". Thanks to Bob (whoever you are), I now have the entire set of that run...
In the order of their issue, is Mr. Natural (#0113 of 2,000), Fritz the Cat (#0296 of 2,000), Flakey Foont (#0596 of 2,000), Devil Girl (#0283 of 2,000), and Keep On Truckin' (#0279 of 2,000). They're all pretty cool, but I noticed that Flakey Foont is sporting a bit of gray on the sides of his head. This isn't from the Hup series. In the Hup series, Flakey looks to be his old self, that we've all come to know and love. This is the older (and still not wiser) Flakey in the Mystic Funnies series. I was kind of disappointed with that. I guess I was expecting the younger Flakey Foont. Oh well, I'm sure I can live with it.

And finally, the icing on the cake, from Darryl of Ormond, Australia, I've received a handful of interesting comix...

The Bijou Funnies, is actually Bijou Funnies #1, Official Australian Edition, but it sports the cover of Bijou Funnies #2. This is the only one of this set that I believe NOT to be a pirate edition. The remaining seven (God Nose, Mean Bitch Thrills, Skull Comics #5, Zap (#1?), Zap Comix #6, Zap Comix #7, and Zap Comix #8) are all pirate editions, completely unauthorized to print. The covers and guts are all newsprint, and for those issues that actually duplicated the cover art, the print colors are just all wrong. Of the Zap Comix run, only the first one tries to keep with the original Zap series cover. The remaining issues all have new covers. I've only briefly gone through them, and it looks like the contents are all from the original Zap series. Once I've done a more complete cataloging, I'll have a better idea of where each of the stories came from.


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