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Friday, September 08, 2006

Another Artist Found

Not that they were lost. But I do so enjoy locating another one. If I may, I'd like to present...

Michael Roden

Shaddap, he's wearing a mask and having fun. Heck, I do it too! Really cool shirt by the way, Michael. Anyway, I just eBay'd a couple of his comix from him... Oracle Comix #1 & #2 (Kennedy #1458 & 1459). I haven't been to his eBay Store yet, but I did peruse his web site, Thru Black Holes Comix. You just gotta swing by there and check out his animated comix covers. I've never seen the like of it before, and I REALLY LIKE IT!

Michael is still making comix in the old underground style! You can check out a catalog of all of his work at the Michael Roden Catalog.

Michael, if you ever get out Los Angeles way, or if I ever make my way out to Ohio, we gotta party.


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